Our Offer

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If you are interested in Seawing, Airseas has developed a savings prediction tool that would give you tailored results before entering further discussions.

You can also get in touch with us to reserve a Delivery Slot as soon as 2022.

Get more than fuel savings !

Demonstrate your environmental engagement
Get ahead of your competition
Access environmental performance conditioned loans
Be compliant with regulation 15 years ahead
Gain more decision time for your future fleet equipment strategy

Over 2,5 million US$ savings per year per ship

Expand your existing revenue

With Seawing, you will significantly reduce your fuel consumption and your GHG emissions and contribute to the protection of the environment and the oceans.

Moreover you will set the example to your customers that environmental objectives can be achieved, benefit from Ports eager to welcome greener ships and take advantage of increased Market Share.

And this can begin BEFORE the actual installation. Furthermore, cleaner vessels would allow you to charge « green premiums » towards your customers.

Seawing will also allow you to access financial incentives from ports. Indeed, « 28 of the world’s 100 largest ports, in terms of cargo volume, are offering port-based financial incentives ».

Regulation compliance chart

Regulation compliance

Seawing providing 20% fuel savings also means reducing all your GHG emissions by 20%. Thus, allowing you to be compliant today with the upcoming regulations.

On one hand, regarding CO2 taxes

On the other hand, Seawing will allow you to be compliant with the upcoming IMO regulations (CII and EEXI). Taking the example of CII, equipping Seawing on a « C-rated vessel » would allow you to operate the vessel for at least 10 additional years.

EUETS logo

Seawing will also open you doors to the carbon credit trading sphere.